ICU News


The International online training program “Professional coach ICU” starts on the 10 of December 2024


Certification training "Neurocoaching: coaching based on neurophysiology", will be held online on December 7-8, 2024


ICU Trainer's Training 2024: 14-29 June 2025 in Batumi, Georgia 


ICU International Coaches Union Association website:


The International training program “Professional coach ICU” starts in Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan in September 2024


The International training program online “Professional coach ICU” starts in Riga, Latvia on the 30 of November 2024


The International training program online “Professional coach ICU” starts in Kiev, Ukraine on the 30 of November 2024   


The International training program “Professional coach ICU” starts in St Petersburg on the 19 of October 2024


The International training program “Professional coach ICU” starts in Moscow on the 3 of November 2024


The International training program “Professional coach ICU” starts in Spain, Italy and Portugal 


ICU International Conference at EXPO 2020 Dubai will be held on November 18-19, 2021


The International training program “Professional coach ICU” starts in Kherson and Odessa, Ukraine   


The International training program “Professional coach ICU”  in Vilnius, Lithuania


The International Certified training program "Self-coaching training" started in Warsaw

The training program in professional coaching accredited by ICU in Siberia (Novosibirsk, Omsk, Kemerovo and other), Russia 


The International Intensive Summer training program "Professional Coach ICU" starts on the 14 of June 2025






"Coaching is the art of creating an environment, through conversation and a way of being, that facilitates the process by which a person can move toward desired goals in a fulfilling manner". "Coaching is unlocking a person’s potential to maximize their own performance. It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them". (W. Timothy Gallwey)

Coach is an expert capable of rendering qualified help to the client in his\her business growth and achievement of his\her personal life goals, a coach is able run training activities by means of coaching methodology.

In the end of a XIX century English students used the word “coach” to name tutors who helped students to be prepared for examinations, to "bring up" on some subjects. That is why the term “carriage” was used in this sense. Often tutors were teachers but their goals were essentially different. A tutor had to understand exact inquiries of the client, to see his weak points. He didn’t have to teach the client anew but to make a plan of studying the material enabling a student to demonstrate the required skills in due time. Important issues remained to be solved: development of client’s responsibility and motivation to achievement. The criterion of assessment of tutor’s work was extremely simple – whether the client passed his examination or not. In fact, basic coaching models had been put those days.

In the beginning of the XX century coaches started to appear in sports teams together with managers and team directors. They faced the tutors problems: to define reality and at the same time a bit ambitious team purposes as well as purposes for a concrete sportsman; to find out strengths and weaknesses of sportsmen; to define that it will help to reach objectives; to create the plan of trainings; to motivate and support sportsmen in the team. In the beginning of the XX century sports already have created certain principles and technologies of couching management, which have become applicable for business in second half of the XX century. In 1970s sports trainer W.Timothy Gallwey wrote a series of books "Internal game" where he described various coaching technologies with reference to various kinds of sports and for use in management as a whole.

Together with W.Timothy Gallwey and sports trainers financial advisers also actively used coaching technology. In the 1990s the person, Thomas Leonard by name, was engaged in financial planning. He realized that his most successful clients wanted more than just financial support. For them it was extremely important to define ground points for the sake of which they establish their financial goals. Besides, it is quite sufficient not to impose to the client what investment portfolio should be like. In the process of consultation it is necessary to delegate responsibility on the client and to use indirect forms of motivation. After a while Leonard accepted the word ”coach”. 

In early 1990s the term "coaching" was introduced into business terminology by John Uitmore, an English businessman and adviser and now is used in European business circles as often as the word "profit". By the way, coach is an officially registered trade in the USA.

Now coaching is a separate branch in consulting with its own methods, techniques which, as accepted by the majority, are highly effective for solution of many problems. As coaching always considers personal features of clients and is more focused on the result it is more effective rather than classical training or a curriculum.

Now coaching methodology is actively applied in sphere of management and allows to achieve tremendous results. Coaching is used in management as methodology of personnel training and managers apply it in the form of the so-called "corridor" coaching. More classical forms of coaching are personal meetings or consulting by phone (usually 30-minute sessions).

The difference between coaching-interaction with the employee and classical training and individual training at work is in special focus on individuality of an employee and on a specific goal. So, having passed a classical training an employee will get knowledge but from this training he\she will make use of at least 2 or 3 tools. Due to coaching-interaction it will be found out what prospects in increase of work efficiency are, from the employee’s viewpoint, what other possibilities of efficiency increase an employee can find out. An employee (employees if it is coaching-training) will be able to estimate his best possibilities, together with the coach will make a plan of introduction of innovations and implementation of his objectives and will incur obligations to carry them out. Moreover, in the course of coaching supervision success and failures will be estimated as well as new possibilities how to reach better efficiency. These are the differences which make coaching more effective compared to any classical training and what makes it so popular in Europe as one of the most effective trends in consulting.


"Coaching is the art of creating an environment, through conversation and a way of being, that facilitates the process by which a person can move toward desired goals in a fulfilling manner". "Coaching is unlocking a person’s potential to maximize their own performance. It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them". (W. Timothy Gallwey)

Coach is an expert capable of rendering qualified help to the client in his\her business growth and achievement of his\her personal life goals, a coach is able run training activities by means of coaching methodology.

In the end of a XIX century English students used the word “coach” to name tutors who helped students to be prepared for examinations, to "bring up" on some subjects. That is why the term “carriage” was used in this sense. Often tutors were teachers but their goals were essentially different. A tutor had to understand exact inquiries of the client, to see his weak points. He didn’t have to teach the client anew but to make a plan of studying the material enabling a student to demonstrate the required skills in due time. Important issues remained to be solved: development of client’s responsibility and motivation to achievement. The criterion of assessment of tutor’s work was extremely simple – whether the client passed his examination or not. In fact, basic coaching models had been put those days.

In the beginning of the XX century coaches started to appear in sports teams together with managers and team directors. They faced the tutors problems: to define reality and at the same time a bit ambitious team purposes as well as purposes for a concrete sportsman; to find out strengths and weaknesses of sportsmen; to define that it will help to reach objectives; to create the plan of trainings; to motivate and support sportsmen in the team. In the beginning of the XX century sports already have created certain principles and technologies of couching management, which have become applicable for business in second half of the XX century. In 1970s sports trainer W.Timothy Gallwey wrote a series of books "Internal game" where he described various coaching technologies with reference to various kinds of sports and for use in management as a whole.

Together with W.Timothy Gallwey and sports trainers financial advisers also actively used coaching technology. In the 1990s the person, Thomas Leonard by name, was engaged in financial planning. He realized that his most successful clients wanted more than just financial support. For them it was extremely important to define ground points for the sake of which they establish their financial goals. Besides, it is quite sufficient not to impose to the client what investment portfolio should be like. In the process of consultation it is necessary to delegate responsibility on the client and to use indirect forms of motivation. After a while Leonard accepted the word ”coach”. 

In early 1990s the term "coaching" was introduced into business terminology by John Uitmore, an English businessman and adviser and now is used in European business circles as often as the word "profit". By the way, coach is an officially registered trade in the USA.

Now coaching is a separate branch in consulting with its own methods, techniques which, as accepted by the majority, are highly effective for solution of many problems. As coaching always considers personal features of clients and is more focused on the result it is more effective rather than classical training or a curriculum.

Now coaching methodology is actively applied in sphere of management and allows to achieve tremendous results. Coaching is used in management as methodology of personnel training and managers apply it in the form of the so-called "corridor" coaching. More classical forms of coaching are personal meetings or consulting by phone (usually 30-minute sessions).

The difference between coaching-interaction with the employee and classical training and individual training at work is in special focus on individuality of an employee and on a specific goal. So, having passed a classical training an employee will get knowledge but from this training he\she will make use of at least 2 or 3 tools. Due to coaching-interaction it will be found out what prospects in increase of work efficiency are, from the employee’s viewpoint, what other possibilities of efficiency increase an employee can find out. An employee (employees if it is coaching-training) will be able to estimate his best possibilities, together with the coach will make a plan of introduction of innovations and implementation of his objectives and will incur obligations to carry them out. Moreover, in the course of coaching supervision success and failures will be estimated as well as new possibilities how to reach better efficiency. These are the differences which make coaching more effective compared to any classical training and what makes it so popular in Europe as one of the most effective trends in consulting.

ICU News


The International online training program “Professional coach ICU” starts on the 10 of December 2024


Certification training "Neurocoaching: coaching based on neurophysiology", will be held online on December 7-8, 2024


ICU Trainer's Training 2024: 14-29 June 2025 in Batumi, Georgia 


ICU International Coaches Union Association website:


The International training program “Professional coach ICU” starts in Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan in September 2024


The International training program online “Professional coach ICU” starts in Riga, Latvia on the 30 of November 2024


The International training program online “Professional coach ICU” starts in Kiev, Ukraine on the 30 of November 2024   


The International training program “Professional coach ICU” starts in St Petersburg on the 19 of October 2024


The International training program “Professional coach ICU” starts in Moscow on the 3 of November 2024


The International training program “Professional coach ICU” starts in Spain, Italy and Portugal 


ICU International Conference at EXPO 2020 Dubai will be held on November 18-19, 2021


The International training program “Professional coach ICU” starts in Kherson and Odessa, Ukraine   


The International training program “Professional coach ICU”  in Vilnius, Lithuania


The International Certified training program "Self-coaching training" started in Warsaw

The training program in professional coaching accredited by ICU in Siberia (Novosibirsk, Omsk, Kemerovo and other), Russia 


The International Intensive Summer training program "Professional Coach ICU" starts on the 14 of June 2025