Ethical Code

I) The goal of the coach will always be to forward the personal and psychological development and health for the client. This comes before any personal interests the coach might have.

II) The coach has confidientiality in all that he or she learns of their  clients during the sessions. Personal information about the client will only be given to a third party with the
consent of the client. The only exception from this will be if keeping quiet jeopardizes the safety of the client, the coach or other people.

III) All written material, that the coach may keep about the client to help him in his work must a) be kept in a locked place to avoid misuse by a third party, and b) be shown to the client on the request of the client

IV) If the coach wishes to record a session on tape or videotape to use for his own feedback or for a session with his supervisor, this should be done openly and with the full consent of the client. The supervisor or other third party must see a written consent from the client, before the tape is shown.

V) The coach will not have a sexual relationship with the client as long as there is a client-coach relationship.

VI) The coach should refer the client to another colleague, if he finds he is not able to finish the treatment for lack of competence in this special case, or for personal reasons.

VII) The coach will continue his/ her own personal development by participating in courses or peer groups, seeing a coach regularly and receive supervision on his client work.

Ethical Code

I) The goal of the coach will always be to forward the personal and psychological development and health for the client. This comes before any personal interests the coach might have.

II) The coach has confidientiality in all that he or she learns of their  clients during the sessions. Personal information about the client will only be given to a third party with the
consent of the client. The only exception from this will be if keeping quiet jeopardizes the safety of the client, the coach or other people.

III) All written material, that the coach may keep about the client to help him in his work must a) be kept in a locked place to avoid misuse by a third party, and b) be shown to the client on the request of the client

IV) If the coach wishes to record a session on tape or videotape to use for his own feedback or for a session with his supervisor, this should be done openly and with the full consent of the client. The supervisor or other third party must see a written consent from the client, before the tape is shown.

V) The coach will not have a sexual relationship with the client as long as there is a client-coach relationship.

VI) The coach should refer the client to another colleague, if he finds he is not able to finish the treatment for lack of competence in this special case, or for personal reasons.

VII) The coach will continue his/ her own personal development by participating in courses or peer groups, seeing a coach regularly and receive supervision on his client work.